Tender light green round lobed leaf. A rediscovered old-fashioned favorite.
Parris Island Cos 76 days Upright? Dark green? Slow bolting, good for muck or upland soils. Original strain, mostly used in home garden today and...
Parris Island Cos 76 days Upright? Dark green? Slow bolting, good for muck or upland soils. Original strain, mostly used in home garden today and...
Parris Island Cos 76 days Upright? Dark green? Slow bolting, good for muck or upland soils. Original strain, mostly used in home garden today and...
48 days. Red-tinged light-green leaf lettuce. The large plant has puckered, round leaves. This heirloom lettuce is still winning prizes for its...
48 days. Red-tinged light-green leaf lettuce. The large plant has puckered, round leaves. This heirloom lettuce is still winning prizes for its...
48 days. Red-tinged light-green leaf lettuce. The large plant has puckered, round leaves. This heirloom lettuce is still winning prizes for its...
Lettuce Oakleaf Royal red leaf 1 oz Leaf type, mid size, red, wide smooth leaf, 50 days.
50 days Strappy frilly dark red leaves making a very loose head. Ruby red leaf lettuce seeds produce compact plants with loose, crumpled...
50 days Strappy frilly dark red leaves making a very loose head. Ruby red leaf lettuce seeds produce compact plants with loose, crumpled...