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(image for) 1919 Wood Toy

1919 Wood Toy

1919 Wood Toy Replica-Handmade in Racine by Ron Seyferth, this is a replica of the truck that his grandfather built when he worked at the Racine Toy...
(image for) Amaranth, Red Garnet per 1/4 oz.

Amaranth, Red Garnet per 1/4 oz.

About 21 days for baby leaves, nice spicy flavor
(image for) Amaranth: Red Garnet per oz.

Amaranth: Red Garnet per oz.

DAYS: 40 About 21 days for baby leaves, nice spicy flavor.
(image for) Anise per 1/4 oz.

Anise per 1/4 oz.

Seeds are often used in applesauce, breads, soups, and teas for licorice-like flavor. Leaves can be used in salads. Medicinal: Hot tea helps break up...
(image for) Anise per oz.

Anise per oz.

Seeds are often used in applesauce, breads, soups, and teas for licorice-like flavor. Leaves can be used in salads. Medicinal: Hot tea helps break up...
(image for) Arugula Rocket per 1/4 oz.

Arugula Rocket per 1/4 oz.

(30-45 Day) A spicy, slightly pungent herb used for greens, seasoning and adding its Pepper y flavor to Italian style salads and other dishes....
(image for) Arugula Rocket per oz.

Arugula Rocket per oz.

(30-45 Day) A spicy, slightly pungent herb used for greens, seasoning and adding its Peppery flavor to Italian style salads and other dishes....
(image for) Asparagus, Mary Washington per 1/4 oz.

Asparagus, Mary Washington per 1/4 oz.

Zones 3-10 Widely planted and very dependable. Produces long, green, tender spears with tight tips. Rust tolerant. Medium green, large spear, purple...
(image for) Asparagus, Mary Washington per oz.

Asparagus, Mary Washington per oz.

Zones 3-10 Widely planted and very dependable. Produces long, green, tender spears with tight tips. Rust tolerant. Medium green, large spear, purple...
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