Status Reports: Step by step from idea to reality!

WE ARE OPEN AS OF 4/17/2021!

February 2020: Planned opening date will be delayed due to COVID and stay at home and reduced occupancy orders. Hoping COVID ends soon.

January 2020: Huge storm batters lakefront, causes millions of dollars of damage just blocks away. At Littleport, storm removes 40% of roof not replaced previous year, folding huge section of rooftop (about 20000 lbs. ) over like cardboard box lid. Tower Energy replaced roof so we now have 100% new roof.

August 2019: 60% of roof completely replaced with new joists/decking/surface.

July 2 2019: Freak storm comes up and damages many homes north of brewery. Storm takes off most of new rubber roof installed just hours before and not quite completed.

January 2, 2019: Electrical 480 3 phase installation is complete. New concrete floor installed December 26 in electrical/boiler room. After a little time to cure, we can put in 480 to 120v transformer. Received new metal columns to support 2nd floor event space and several are anchored in place. Hope to get all in place in next week…

November 1st: Still waiting for WE Energies to hook up our 480 3 phase electrical, applied for 13 months ago, they have gotten our power to the pole across the street. Now they just need to get it across the street and connected to our new service, which was installed some time ago.

October 30th: new column foundations were poured inside the building, which will enable us to use the 2nd floor as a venue space. It was previously built just for storage, so it required 132 new joists to be installed in between all the older joists, new girders, and new columns. Each joist required about 1 hour labor to install.

September 30th: New electrical service panels were installed.

Windows are all replaced on west side! This is probably the first time in over half a century the interior has seen sunshine! Windows on alley side will be last exterior renovations.

On March 20th, the City of Racine Common Council confirmed the March 1st committee approval of our loan package. Soon we will order our equipment!

On March 1st, Littleport was approved for a loan from the City of Racine to finance brewing equipment needed for this business.

On February 28th, Littleport received a conditional use permit to operate a brewery in Downtown Racine.

Although most of our equipment is being acquired from local suppliers, just say no to tariffs on imports, almost all microbreweries will be affected by this issue.

Read our most recent newspaper article here: Journal Times article